Thank you Nicola for bringing this critical information to our attention. I live in Wales. May I have your permission to repost both of your articles on my "All that has been hidden will be revealed" blog?

Most of my time these days is devoted to the battle against Bute Energy's designs to carpet beautiful rural Wales with not clean nor green bird, bat, insect and environment destroying industrial wind turbines and solar arrays. I post about this on my other blog. eg: https://tangowithrenewables.substack.com/p/its-the-radnor-forest

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Thank you and of course please feel free to share. I do this for free in order to make the people of Wales aware of what the Senedd dictatorship have in store for us.

I’ll take a look at your blog. Best wishes.

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Thank you so much Nicola. Bless you.

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Deluded zealots. LEZ schemes incoming

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And it’s coming in all so incrementally…

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Boiled frogs

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I don’t see any bikes on the FLEET, what is good for us should be good for them.

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Again, Nicola, an informative article. Personally, I would love to ride a bike but I can't forhealth reasons - but of course, the main issue is being compelled to do so. Clean air day! Well, it's true that there is a lot of pollution but the cloud spraying can't be clean now, can it?

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the entire welsh government needs removing. they do nothing good for the people of wales, welsh labour has destroyed wales more than every other political party combined.

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If they intend zero deaths on our roads not only do they live in cuckoo land but to try to achieve this they will make life not worth living. Remember you can be free or you can be safe but you can't have both and I know which I prefer.

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Spot on. We need to be wary of anything with zero in it. Net zero, zero Covid and zero road deaths.

Pity they can’t focus upon zero drug deaths; both recreational and pharmaceutical.

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Most people are completely unaware… and think electric bike rental schemes coming to Pembrokeshire are a good thing… deviously clever these behavioural scientists aren’t they?😡

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Wonder if they’ll have seen the exploding e-bike and subsequent fire in the news this morning?

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