Word salad is all we ever get from the Welsh government, sadly. But the Achilles Heel in their 'long term health strategy' is the word 'evidence'.

Can they provide evidence that 'climate change' (however one defines it) is a risk to people's health? I don't think so. Computer modelling containing any number of outlandish suppositions is not hard evidence.

Is there hard data showing a correlation between immunisation uptake (i.e. vaccines) and overall better health? I don't believe there is. I have read that no such studies have ever been undertaken. So I suspect the opposite is true.

Regarding increasing mental health issues, what could be the cause? Could it be in part the government's response to Covid-19, a disease we now know is less dangerous than Influenza for under 80 year olds? Locking down society by means of rolling out fear-inducing campaigns, terrifying people with the spectre of contagion, sickness and death can't be good for one's mental health, surely.

Also, with regards to mental health and addictions, casual observation leads me to suspect that the greatest threat is the increasing addiction, particularly among young people, to smart phones and social media. Somehow I doubt any government is going to tackle that issue.

Sadly, I have come to the conclusion that the greatest threat to our overall health and well-being is government programmes like the one outlined here.

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And who voted for all that WEF/WHO One World Government rubbish?

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Excellent article once again!

And to think that having a lager might impact 'climate change' - now I've heard everything!

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More propaganda from Drakefraud and his cronies.

20mph and the disease prevention is all about control and vaccination programmes that the sheeple will swallow. The youth/young adults have no clue as they don't lift their heads from the phones and are easily bribed to facilitate the agenda.

As for the surveys, anyone can take a biased survey and present their findings as positive. In this case, as in most cases, if fits their narrative.

Drakefraud et al are like the 3 wise monkeys and are expert proponents of Lies, Damn lies, and Statistics.

I keep telling people that the system can be fixed - Some 6x4 timber and a good rope would be ideal. I think I mentioned to my MP that before long all politicians (national and local) will have 2 choices before long; what colour rope and which lamppost they want to go from. :-).

Let's hope the sheeple wake up soon.

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The Welsh Govt produces copious amounts of written drivel that no doubt they have spent many thousands of our pounds publishing. I don't think it's meant to be taken seriously. It just keeps them busy. They never actually achieve anything or improve anything. In fact, the opposite is what has happened and continues to happen.

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Absolutely spot on!

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